Ab initio group

Apart from the PI, our ab initio group comprises 3 postdoctoral researchers, 5 PhD students. Formerly we hosted 4 postdocs, 1 researcher, 1 engineer, 1 exhibition curator, 9 PhD students, 10 graduate master students, and 5 undergraduate students. We have a couple more PhD openings and we are actively hosting Marie-Curie incoming fellows, so if you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us! 




* Anne H. Davis (2022-2025), noble gases in deep Earth reservoirs, HIDDEN NFR funding
* Sarah Figowy (2022-2025), noble gases in deep Earth reservoirs, HIDDEN NFR funding
* Tim Bögels (2023-2024), condensation of the protolunar disk, VADIS UnivEarthS Labex funding

PhD students:

* Adrien Saurety, Behavior of chondrites under shock and giant impacts, started 2022
* Ana Anzulovic, Modelling impact of melts on mantle diffusion and viscosity with geodynamic implications, started 2022
* Mathilde Andronaco, Dissolution of atmospheres in magma oceans, started 2023
* Xi Zhu, Behavior of volatiles during vaporization (incoming CSC fellow), 2023
* Emma Stoutenburg, Liquid iron hydrides at planetary core conditions (incoming Univ. Chicago fellow), 2022-2025



* Ozge Ozgurel (2021-2023), CEED internal funding
* Natalia Solomatova (2017-2021), ERC Impact post-doc
* Mandy Bethkenhagen (2020), ERC Impact postdoc, (2020-2022) Marie-Curie fellow
* Francois Soubiran, Marie-Curie fellow (2017-2019), Transport properties in Super-Earths
* Ema Bobocioiu, vibrational spectra, WURM project (2008-2017), ERC Impact (2017-2020)

PhD students:

* Tim Bögels, Supercritical state in Mg- and Fe-based oxides and silicates, ERC Impact, graduated in 2023
* Renata Brandelli, Supercritical state in volatile-bearing silica, ERC Impact, graduated in 2022
* Zhi Li, Supercritical state in the iron-based alloys, (ERC Impact), graduated in January 2021
* Anais Kobsch, Supercritical state in the silicate systems, (ERC Impact), graduated in July 2020
* Jean-Alexis Hernandez, First-principles modeling of the superionic phases and of the rheology of dense water ices under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature”, graduated July 2017
* Alexandra Catalina Seclaman, Chemical and physical behavior of trace elements in the silicate melts of the Earth’s mantle, graduated April 2016
* Alexandre Martin, Calculations of the linear response under strain and electric field in the Projector Augmented Wave formalism. Application to the computation of the sound wave velocities for relevant materials in geophysics, graduated fall 2015 (co-supervised with Marc Torrent, CEA)
* Baptiste Journaux, Mineralogical study of planetary ices under pressure, graduated in 2013 (co-supervised with Isabelle Daniel)
* Lucile Bezacier, Elastic properties of hydrated minerals: Application to the seismic anisotropy in the subduction zones, graduated in 2011 (co-supervised with Bruno Reynard)

Other collaborators:

* Lena Martin, museologist in charge of the exhibition “MoonImpact – a geological story”, ERC Impact (2019-2022)

* Kevin Jiguet-Covex, software engineer

Master students:

* Marco Brasini, Onset of superionicity in iron-bearing dense water ice, expected graduation in 2022 
* Adrien Saurety, Diffusion of noble gases in the magma ocean, Hidden NFR grant, expected graduation in 2022
* Anais Kobsch, Supercritical state of feldspar minerals, graduated in 2017
* Nina Bothamy, Raman spectra of Na-based Martian sulfates, graduated in 2015
* Eugenia Vasile, Raman spectra in the magnesite – dolomite – calcite series, graduated in 2014
* Alina Ilie, Raman spectra diamond and related phases at high temperature, graduated in 2014
* Vincent Clesi, Elasticity of Fe3+-bearing perovskite and post-perovskite, graduated in 2012
* Christian Cardenas, Mineral interfaces in the lower mantle, graduated in 2012
* Alejandra Vargas Calderon, Fe3C under pressure, graduated in 2010
* Rosa Davila Martinez, Methanol monohydrate under pressure, graduated in 2010


* Nidarsana Thanapalasingam (2023)
* Adrien Saurety (2020)
* Helene Plihon, graduated in 2018
* Olivier Hercot, graduated in 2002 (co-supervisor Prof. Jean Naud, Université Catholique de Louvain)
* Colinne Lannoye, graduated in 2003 (co-supervisor Prof. Jean Naud, Université Catholique de Louvain)

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